Start Employee Select Raters

Add Raters


You could trigger a fuzzy search by entering the employee's name or email prefix or employee ID in the fuzzy search box, and click on the person in the search result to add the corresponding person as a rater.

Add Raters by E-mail Address.


If the search results doesn't meet your requirements, you could add raters by entering email address.

For the orangers those not in IBG organizationial structure, you need to add through "Add Raters by Email Address"

Change Rater Role

Change Rater Role

Even though system populate an initial role but you could also change to meet the real case.

Delete Raters

Delete Raters

You could remove rater by clickling "Delete" button in Action column.

Self and line manager role is mandatory and you can't delete.

Save Rater List

Save Raters

Although the system auto-save all your changes, but you could also save the rater list before move forward.

Submit Rater List

Submit Raters

Make sure you Submit your list after carefully select.

After submission, you can't withdraw or change your rater list.